Topic Area Quick Links
School Psychology Organizations & Related Sites
Professional Practice Guidelines for School Psychologists in Canada
TpT - School Psychology resources (FBAs, Beh. Planning, Counseling, etc.)
Report Writing Tools and A.I.
Copy Paste - this website helps you to create fast reports
Schoolpsych.AI - let artifical intelligence help you streamline your job! (free & paid tiers)
Brain-Based Learning - Eric Jensen
Psychology Unlocked (videos)
Coaching Students with Executive Skills (Dr. Peg Dawson & Dr. Richard Guare)
Helping Students Remember - a memory-training program (Dr. Milton Dehn)
Sharp Brains: Tracking Health & Wellness Applications of Brain Science
Intelligence & Cognitive Abilities
Assessment of Culturally & Linguistically Divergent Learners
Insight - a DVD group-administered IQ test (based on CHC Theory)
Psychological Assessment and Psychometrics - Joel Schneider
Manitoba Government Services & Organizations
Functional Behavioral Assessment
Conducting School-Based FBA: A Practitioner's Guide (3rd Ed.)
Motivation Assessment Scale - from Monaco Associates Inc.
!Observe - Professional Observation Software for Mobile Devices
Psychological Therapies & Interventions
Group Counselling with Adolescents
Livingworks - ASIST Suicide Prevention
Managing Emotions in Times of Uncertainty & Stress - a free 8-session course from Yale
Psychological First Aid - a 5-session course from Johns Hopkins University
The Interoception Curriculum - teaching mindful self-regulation
WEVAS - Working Effectively with Violent & Aggressive States
Threat & Violence Risk Assessment
Comprehensive School Threat Assessment Guidelines - Dr. Dewey Cornell
Safe and Caring Schools (Manitoba Education)
Threat Assessment and Trauma Response - Kevin Cameron
Raising Courageous Kids - Circle of Courage (Martin Brokenleg)
Psychological Materials and Catalogs
Barkley Functional Impairment Scale - Children & Adolescents (for DSM diagnoses)
Guilford Press - Practical Intervention in the Schools Series
Guilford Press - Psychology, Psychiatry, & Social Work Books
Let's Face It! curriculum for improving social skills in ASD
School House Educational Services, Inc. - (psychological & memory process analyzer)
Growth Mindset - Mindset Works (Carol Dweck & Lisa Blackwell)
MIND - resources for Tier II math fact & computation remediation - a website that uses multiple readability formulas & an average grade-equivalent - a free website to simplify the readability of text
LD@School - evidence-based interventions
MIND - resources for Tier II math fact & computation remediation
Mindware Reading Software
American Association on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Axon-School Test of Attention (screen a whole school for possible ADHD)
Challenging Kids - resources for psychiatric disorders in childhood
Expert Resources for Autism - Tony Attwood & Michelle Garnett
ICD-11 vs DSM-5
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5 - clinical & research versions
Student Mental Health (good for high school & college students)