Thank you to Jordie, Rachel, and Tania from Garden Valley SD for hosting the fall regional school psychologists meeting.  We are also grateful to Candice Bergeson for the Manitoba Education update and Dr. Julie Enyingi for the great presentation on Psychopharmacology. 

Here are some forms that were shown during our meeting.  They can be used to help explain the referral process, as well as results and recommendations to teachers and parents.

Forms/CHC Definitions with Cartoons.pdf

Forms/CHC User-Friendly Definitions.pdf

Forms/Cross-Battery Cognitive Graph.doc

Forms/WIAT-III Graph.doc

Forms/WISC-V Graph.doc

Forms/WPPSI-IV Graph.doc

Forms/Sample At-Home Activities.doc

Forms/Sample Parent Summary & Recommendations.doc


Forms/Clinical Referral Process.docx

Forms/Explanation of Psychological Testing theory.docx