
Below, you will find a collection of materials that you can download.  These are materials that have been used by members of our association.  You could also use them as samples to modify for your own use.  Left-click an icon to preview the form and then left click the diskette drive icon on the top right side to save it to your computer.

Pre-Referral Teacher Rating Scale

Pre-Referral Concerns Checklist

Referral Interview Form


Background Information Form

Peer-Referenced Observation Form

Problem Behavior Form


FBA Screener Form


Scatterplot Baseline Form


Student Interview Form



A-B-C Observation Form



FBA Antecedent Analysis Form



FBA Consequence Analysis Form



Expected vs. Unexpected Behavior Observation Form

K-CPT 2 Record Form
CPT-3 Record Form
CATA Record Form

Student AEP Form

mAMAS Rating Scale

CPS ALSUP Likert Scale

CPS Plan-B Cheat Sheet

 FAIR plan for Oppositional Behavior

WISC-V Expanded Index Scores


In the table below, you will find 'Power Point' presentations that you can download.  You can either choose "Open" with your mouse, or "Save as" if you want to save it to your hard drive.  

Youth Depression

Youth Suicide

Threat Assessment


ADHD - for parents





Orthographic Awareness

Handout for Teachers




Models for Diagnosing LDs


Math Anxiety


Selective Mutism Intervention

Gender Identity & Human Rights

Collaborative Problem Solving

Kernels of Change

School Safety

Report Writing

In the following table, you will find helpful Microsoft Excel Scoring Templates that you can download.  These are free templates to score a variety of forms, convert scores, summarize data, and help with interpretation.   You can either choose "Open" with your mouse, or "Save as" if you want to save it to your hard drive. 

Functional Skills Analyzer

MAS Summary Sheet

Ability-Achievement Calculator


MASC-2 Group Calculator



Mooney Problem Checklist graph


Early Literacy Screening Calculator

WAIS-IV Interpretive Worksheet

Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale Scorer

Score Converter
Convert different types of derived scores

Stanford Binet-V Interpretive Worksheet

Positive Behavior Intervention School-Wide Data Collection

Severe Discrepancy Calculator

CATS-NP Calculator

Problem Behavior Summary

-Battery Graph

WISC-V Interpretive Assist

DANVA-2 Scoring Assist

Mental Age Growth Chart

Cognitive x Academic Comparison Matrix

SIQ Analyzer

In the following table, you will find other helpful articles and documents that you can download, view, and print using Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Stress Management Manual

Anger Management Manual

Coping with Depression Manual

Psych First-Aid Manual

Grief Counselling

Evidence-Based Kernels

WISC-V Norms for Gifted Students


Psychosis Recognition



Problems with the DSM-5 Criteria for SLD


Better Instruction for Struggling Readers

mAMAS Research Article (ages 8-13)

Motivation & Academic Competence

Interventions for Cognitive & Academic Deficits

Treatment Manual for Trauma in Schools

Supporting Positive Behaviour
in Classrooms

Instructional Strategies for
Autism Spectrum Disorder

Teaching Math Concepts

Teaching Decimals Fractions & Percents

Math Problem Solving

Math Computation Procedures

WISC-V Testing Deaf Students

Math Skills Grid of Interventions

Evidence-Based Interventions
(Academic Skills & Behavior Problems)

Cognitive Problems with TBI

Selective Mutism Educator ToolKit

Dyscalculia Pocketbook

Mathematics LD overview

Math LD Subtypes